Why sedans are a dying breed now?

Sedans, once the staple of the Indian car market, are now on the decline. On the other hand, SUVs have seen a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years. There are several reasons why this shift has occurred and why SUVs have become the go-to choice for Indian car buyers.

Changing Lifestyle

The Indian lifestyle has changed significantly over the years. With increasing disposable income, people are looking for vehicles that can accommodate their changing needs. Sedans, once the preferred choice for daily commuting, now seem insufficient for those who lead an active lifestyle. SUVs offer a more spacious and versatile option, which is more suitable for people who need to transport more than just themselves and their daily essentials. With the rise of adventure sports, SUVs are now more suited for people who need a vehicle that can handle off-road conditions, carry more luggage, and provide a better driving experience.

Growing Families

The rise of nuclear families in India has led to an increase in the demand for vehicles that can accommodate more passengers. SUVs provide the extra space required for families with children, making them a more practical option. The extra ground clearance and spacious interiors make SUVs a popular choice for families who need a vehicle for long trips and road trips.

Higher Status Symbol

SUVs have become a status symbol in India. The larger size and commanding presence of SUVs on the road make them a popular choice for those who want to make a statement. The rugged, adventurous image associated with SUVs has made them popular with young urbanites who want a vehicle that reflects their dynamic and adventurous lifestyle.

Improved Infrastructure

The improved infrastructure in India has made it easier for SUVs to navigate the roads. The rise of well-paved roads, expressways, and flyovers has made it easier for larger vehicles to travel comfortably and at higher speeds. With the increased road network, people are now able to travel further and more comfortably, making SUVs a more practical choice for long-distance travel.


The cost of SUVs has come down in recent years, making them more accessible to the average Indian car buyer. The increased competition in the market has led to the launch of more affordable SUVs, which cater to the needs of budget-conscious consumers. This has made it possible for more people to own an SUV, which was once considered a luxury item.

Advancements in Technology

Advances in technology have made SUVs more reliable, efficient, and safer than ever before. The rise of hybrid and electric SUVs has made them a more environmentally friendly option. With the addition of features like all-wheel drive, automatic transmissions, and advanced safety features, SUVs are now a more practical option for daily use.

In conclusion, the rise of SUVs in India can be attributed to several factors, including changing lifestyles, growing families, the desire for a higher status symbol, improved infrastructure, cost, and advancements in technology. With the increasing demand for SUVs, it is likely that this trend will continue in the coming years. While sedans may still have their place in the market, the shift towards SUVs is evident, and it is likely that this trend will continue in the future.

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